Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Communique

I wish it would hurry up and snow already. There was a light dusting on my deck this morning. It wasn't much - it melted before I could even take a picture - but at least it was something. We usually get snow beginning in September and it's making me crazy that we haven't had any yet. I know many would argue that the fact that I'm wishing for snow is proof enough of my insanity, but I can't help it. I want a snowstorm!

While I hope for some big flakes to fall, check out what my crew (who live in a considerably warmer climate) are up to:

Sara Hardin (AKA SoftFlexGirl) was in California this week.

Kristen Fagan finished her autumn leaves painting. She started it back in May and finally finished it this week!

Have a lovely weekend! xoxo

1 comment:

Andrew Thornton said...

EEK! I can wait for snow. Snow is one of those things that like in an abstract sort of way. You know, it's pretty to look at out of your window and how it makes everything look all pretty and like a Winter Wonderland at first... but then after people have to go out into it and the snow turns to slush and your boots get wet and your bones start to ache... maybe it's just me, but I'm more of an autumn/spring man myself.